581. Turbulent flow in a vessel is likely to occur with:
A. Increased viscosity of the blood
B. Decreased diameter of the vessel
C. Increased density of the blood
D. Decreased velocity of the blood
E. All of the above

582. Blood flow rate increases when:
A. radius of the vessel decreases
B. length of the vessel decreases
C. hematocrit increases
D. blood pressure decreases
E. All of the above

583. Increased pulse pressure occurs in the following condition EXCEPT:
A. Aortic sclerosis
B. Arteriolosclerosis
C. Patent ductus arteriosus
D. Aortic regurgitation
E. None of the above

584. Right atrial pressure:
A. is larger than central venous pressure
B. is normally 8 mmHg
C. increases with increased myocardial contractility
D. is same as venous pressure in the feet in a supine patient
E. All of the above are incorrect

585. Which of the following structure is a blood reservoir?
A. Spleen
B. Liver
C. Lungs
D. Veins
E. All of the above

586. The following body tissue does not have lymphatic channels:
A. Heart
B. Dermis
C. Bone
D. Kidneys
E. Thyroid

587. Total body lymphatic flow rate is:
A. 1.2 ml/hour
B. 12mllhour
C. 120 ml/hour
D. 1200mllhour
E. none of the above

588. Acute control ofBP does NOT include:
A. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system
B. Activation of the angiotensin
C. Activation of release of antidiuretic hormone
D. Activation of release of aldosterone
E. None of the above

589. Vasoconstrictor substances include the following EXCEPT:
A. Adrenaline
B. Serotonin
C. Endothelin
D. Angiotensin
E. Vasopressin

590. Normal cardiac index is:
A. 3mllmin/m2
B. 30 ml/minlm2
C. 300 mllminlm2
D. 3000 ml/minlm2
E. None of the above