1251. A 14 years old child presents with growth retardation, mental reatrdation, obesity, yellowish discoloration of skin, sluggish reflexes, feeling of excessive cold . He is suffering from :

A. Dwarfism
B. Cretinism *
C. Cushing’s syndrome
D. Gigantism
E. Jaundice

1252. The primary mechanism of hearing includes the depolarization of hair cells in cochlea by :

A. Na+ influx
B. Ca++ influx
C. K+ efflux
D. K+ Influx *
E. Cl-efflux

1253. Lesion in wernicke’s area of cerebral cortex most likely results in :

A. Aphasia
B. Global aphasia
C. Motor Aphasia
D. Paralysis of larngeal muscles
E. Receptive aphasia *

1254. The small membrane-enclosed compartments that hold and release the nerotransmitter molecules from within the presynpatic neuron, are called :

A. Gap Junctions
B. Golgi vesicles
C. Synaptic vesicles *
D. Synaptic clefts
E. Terminal boutons

1255. Alpha rhythm in electroencephalogram is most prominently seen in :

A. Normal adult at rest with eyes closed *
B. Man hyperventilation at 40/min
C. Child blinking rapidly
D. Epileptic seizure
E. Sleep

1256. Which of the following actions will stimulate muscle spindle of skeletal muscle ?

A. Relaxation of the intrafusal muscle fibers
B. Contraction of extrafusal muscle fibers
C. Relaxation of the whole muscle
D. Contraction of the whole muscle
E. Stretch of the whole muscle *

1257. Lesion of motor pathways in the internal capsule on one side causes :

A. Contralateral flaccid paralysis
B. Contralateral spastic paralysis *
C. Ipsilateral flaccid paralysis
D. Ipsilateral rigidity
E. Ispilateral spastic paralysis

1258. Transmission of most signals in the retinal neuronal cells occur by :

A. Action potential
B. Depolarization
C. Electronic conduction *
D. Hyperpolarization
E. Receptor potential

1259. Rods and cones synapse on which of the following neurons :

A. Bipolar cells *
B. Stellate cells
C. Ganglion cells
D. Optive nerve cells
E. Basket cells

1260. Which of these sensory modalities is transmitted directly to the cerebral cortex without being relayed through the thalamus ?

A. Hearing
B. Sight
C. Smell *
D. Taste
E. Touch