631. Glucagon does NOT induce:
A. hepaticglycogenolysis
B. muscleglycogenolysis
C. positive inotropic action in large doses
D. increase hepatic gluconeogenesis
E. lipolysis

632. Glucagon is NOT stimulated by:
A. protein diet
B. starvation
C. carbohydrate meal
D. 13 stimulation
E. exercise, infection or other stressors.

633. Which of the foIlowingis FALSE?
A. Exogenous glucocorticoid administration induces secondary diabetes mellitus in all subjects.
B. Thyroid hormone stimulates increased glucose absorption & hepatic glycogenolysis
C. Exercise stimulat3es glucose entry into skeletal muscle & increase skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity
D. Growth hormone is ketogenic & increases hepatic glucose output
E. All of the above

634. Aldosterone is produced in:
A. Zona glomerulosa
B. Zona fasiculata
C. Zona reticularis
D. Zona fasiculata& Zona reticularis
E. All of the above

635. Catecholamines:
A. adrenaline is formed from methylation of noradrenaline in plasma
B. plasma levels of noradrenaline increased by 50-100% upon rising from supine to standing position
C. All of the circulating dopamine is produced by adrenal medulla
D. All catecholamines are excreted as VMA in urine
E. All of the above is true.

636. Which of the following regarding circulating catecholamines is FALSE?
A. Circulating adrenaline stimulates vascular a receptor, resulting in a rise of diastolic & systolic blood pressure, & reflex bradycardia & reduced cardiac output.
B. Circulating adrenaline & noradrenaline stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis
C. Increased circulating adrenaline prolongs Hypokalaemia secondary to potassium sequestration into cells.
D. Elevated circulating adrenaline & noradrenaline increases metabolic rate
E. None of the above

637. Levels of circulating adrenaline to cause the following:
A. Tachycardia -50pg/ml
B. l’ systolic BP -75 pg/ml
C. l’ lipolysis -75 pglml
D. .,j, diastolic BP – 150 pg/ml
E. All of the above

638. Which of the following regarding dopamine is FALSE?
A. l’ systolic BP
B. l’ diastolic BP
C. l’ renal vasodilatation
D. l’ git vasodilation
E. positive inotropic action on the heart.

639. Pick the correct order of increasing strength of glucocorticoid activity:
A. Cortisol> corticosterone> cortisone> prednisolone> dexamethasone
B. Corticosterone> cortisol> cortisone> prednisolone> dexamethasone
C. Dexamethasone> prednisolone> cortisone> cortisol> corticosterone
D. Prednisolone> cortisone> dexamethasone> cortisol> cortisone
E. Dexamethasone> prednisolone> cortisol> corticosterone> cortisone

640. Which of the following has no mineralocorticoid activity?
A. aldosterone
B. cortisone
C. prednisolone
D. dexamethasone
E. fludrocortisone