1211. All of the following are related to the extra-pyramidal tracts except controlling of :

A. Posture
B. Muscle tone
C. Fine movements *
D. Both Alpha and gamma motor neurons

1212. The Corticofugal signals :

A. Transmitted to cerebral cortex from thalamus
B. Control the intensity of sensitivity of sensory in part *
C. Entirely excitatory
D. Increase lateral spread of sensory signals
E. Are transmitted from thalamus to cortex

1213. Three nerve cell layers in cortex are present in :

A. Amygdala
B. Hippocampus *
C. Hypothalamus
D. Thalamus

1214. The portion of the vestibular system that is most important for preventing a person from sudden falling if he makes a sudden turn while moving forward is the :

A. Cochlea duct
B. Otoconia
C. Saccule
D. Semicircular canals *
E. Utricle

1215. Which of the accompanying would most improbable be related with thyrotoxicosis ?

A. Tachycardia
B. Increased appetitE
C. Somnolence *
D. Increase sweating
E. Muscle tremor

1216. Characteristic response of intrarod membrane potential of rod receptors in response to light :

A. Ca++ influx
B. Depolarization
C. Hyperpolarization *
D. K+ influx
E. Na+ influx

1217. Rapid adaptation of touch sensation is due to :

A. Return of receptor to its original conformation despite continuous application of pressure
B. Failure of cerebrum to detect a continuous sensory input
C. Decrease in firing rate despite continuous deformation of receptors *
D. Failure of continuous sensory input to get through reticular activating system
E. Transmission of sensory impulses through thalamus

1218. Interruption of motor pathways in the internal capsule on one side causes :

A. Spastic paralysis on the same side
B. Opposite side spastic paralysis *
C. Flaccid paralysis on the same side
D. Flaccid paralysis on the opposite side
E. None of the above

1219. Medial geniculate body is concerned with :

A. Hearing *
B. Vision
C. Taste
D. Pain
E. Smell

1220. The commonest synapse found in humans is _______ synapse :

A. Axo-axaonic
B. Axo-dendritic *
C. Axo-Somatic
D. Dendro-Dendritic
E. Dendro-Somatic