561. The metabolic effects of sympathomimetics are mediated by__________________?

A. All beta-adrenergic receptors
B. Dopaminergic receptors
C. Beta 2 receptors
D. Opioid receptors

562. Which of the following group of drugs are a neuromuscular blocking agents_______________?

A. choline, adrenaline and amphetamine
B. Glycinium neostigamine and physostigamine
C. Pancuronium, rocuronium
D. Pirenzipine, propanolol and propantheline

563. All of the following drugs are non depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents except_______________?

A. D-tubocurarine
B. Gallamine triethiodide
C. Pancuronium bromide
D. Succinylcholine

564. The intramuscular administration of 0.6 mg of atropine sulphate to a 50 – kg adult may produce all of the following effects except_____________?

A. Bradycardia
B. Decreased Salivation
C. Decreased Sweating
D. Mydriasis

565. Drugs for which “first-pass” pulmonary uptake may exceed 65% of injected dose:
A. fentanyl
B. alfentanil
C. sufentanil
D. meperidine
E. all of the above

566. Drugs least likely to penetrate across membranes:
A.protein-bound drugs
B.charged drugs
C.neutral drugs

567. Two most important sites for drug elimination:
A. pulmonary and liver
B. liver and gastrointestinal tract
C. kidney and liver
D. skin and liver
E. pulmonary and kidney

568. Concerning transfer of basic drugs such as nonionized local anesthetics from mother to fetus:
A. fetal pH is higher than maternal pH
B. in fetal distress alkalosis contributes to local anesthetic accumulation
C. concerning maternal blood: fetal blood — gradient is maintained for continual local anesthetic transfer from maternal circulation to fetal circulation

 569. Driving force in drug movement in aqueous diffusion model:
A. active transport– energy requiring
B. facilitated transport
C. drug concentration gradient

570. Renal excretion factor most likely to be sensitive to drug ionization state:
A. glomerular filtration
B. passive tubular reabsorption