1121. Receptor activated by acetyle choline ,But blocked by atropine is ___________.

A. Nicotine *
B. Muscarinic
C. Both
D. None

1122.All of the following alter calcium homeostasis except___________________.

A. Fluoride
B. Mithramycin
C. Thiazide
D. Indomethacin *

1123. Betablocker lease detrimental in sick sinus syndrome is ____________.

A. Propranolol
B. Metaprolol
C. Naadolol
D. Pindolol *

1124. All is true for local anesthesia but _______.

A. That is causes local numbness
B. It causes a loss of sensation in area being injected
C. Contains Cocaine
D. Cause gastric Ulcers *

1125. To induce sleep, narcotic drugs taken may include _______.

A. Heroin
B. Morphine
C. Opium
D. All of these *

1126. According to surveys ,most young people smoke in order to ______.

A. Overcome Jealousy
B. Cover for their failures and weakness *
C. Give the impression of maturity and adulthood
D. Give an impression of happiness and success

1127. If drug of an addicted person is with held, person experiences______.

A. Insomnia
B. Sleep and stupor
C. Withdrawal symptoms *
D. Death

1128. Wheat,wheat bran and molasses together form the ______.

A. Penicillin
B. Alcohol
C. Postum *
D. Sebum

1129. Morphine is a type of _______.

A. Cannabis
B. Amphetamines
C. Narcotic drugs *
D. Depressant drugs

1130. Postum is a replacement of _______.

A. Nicotine
B. Caffeine *
C. Alcohol
D. Penicillin