Pharmacology is the study of how a drug affects a biological system and how the body responds to the drug. The discipline encompasses the sources, chemical properties, biological effects and therapeutic uses of drugs. These effects can be therapeutic or toxic, depending on many factors. Academic tasks have more than 2000+  general pharmacology MCQs with answers. In this section, we focus on all areas of MCQs on pharmacology subject and cover all important topics of pharmacology like Neuropharmacology, Psychopharmacology, Toxicology, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology – and much more. All these topics are chosen from trusted and best reference books on pharmacology. These pharmacology MCQs are also helpful for the preparation of interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and certifications for all Experienced, Freshers and Students. Also, check MCQs on Dental Materials here.

211. Which of the following cannot be used as a surface local anaesthetics ?

A. Procaine
B. Tetracaine
C. Lidocaine
D. Benzocaine

212. About articaine, all are true except_____________?

A. Plasma half-life is 90 min
B. Is amide which is metabolized in liver
C. Mandibular infiltration is more effective than nerve block in mandibular molar teeth
D. More breaks down causes more toxicity

213. Nitrous oxide is______________?

A. A good analgesic but a poor anesthetic
B. A good anesthetic but a poor analgesic
C. A good analgesic and a good anesthetic
D. A poor analgesic and a poor anesthetic

214. Which among the following is Not used for surface anesthesia ?

A. Lignocaine
B. Procaine
C. Tetracaine
D. Benzocaine

215. All of the following causes increase in heart rate except________________?

A. Halothane
B. Isoflurane
C. Sevoflurane
D. Desflurane

216. Which one of the following agents sensitises the myocardium to catechlomines____________?

A. Isoflurane
B. Ether
C. Halothane
D. Proplofol

217. Side of action of muscle selanant is______________?

A. Myoneural junction
B. Central
C. Ascending reticular
D. Red nucleus activating system

218. In the second stage of anesthesia the pupil is_______________?

A. Constricted
B. Partially dilated
C. Normal in size
D. Totally dilated

219. Local anaesthetics act by inhibiting_____________?

A. Motor fibers only
B. Motor and sensory fibres
C. Only sensory fibres
D. None of the above

220. The drug not belonging to amide group_______________?

A. Procaine
B. Xylocaine
C. Lignocaine
D. Bupivacaine