1161. Smoking is no longer regarded as :

A. Unsafe
B. Prohibited
C. Socially accepted *
D. Socially unaccepted

1162. Examples of stimulant drugs are :

A. Barbiturates
B. Marijuana
C. Morphine
D. Cocaine *

1163. Rate of heartbeat and blood pressure increses due to :

A. Tar
B. Nicotine *
C. Cocaine
D. Morphine

1164. Opium, morphine and heroine are examples of :

A. Opiates *
B. Cocaine
C. Depressant drugs
D. Cannabises

1165. Cilia can not remove air and dust particles from lungs and trachea due to :

A. Nicotine
B. Carbon Monoxide
C. Irritants *
D. Tar

1166. Drugs useful against bacteria resistant to penicillin include :

A. Cephalosporin
B. Erythromycins
C. Augmentin
D. Both A and B

1167. If taken in large amount, gastric ulcers may be caused by :

A. Cocaine
B. Aspirin *
C. Cephalosporin
D. Tetracycline

1168. Malarail parasite are treated with drug containing :

A. Penicillin
B. Paludrine *
C. Aspirin
D. Morphine

1169. Adrenaline production is stimulated due to :

A. Carbon monoxide
B. Tar
C. Nicotine *
D. Cocaine

1170. If taken in large amount, gastric ulcers may be caused by :

A. Cocaine
B. Aspirin *
C. Cephalosporin
D. Tetracycline