971. An equity theory of motivation applies to employees who are often
A.under paid
B.over paid
C.regularly paid
D.non paid internees

972. An Equity theory of Motivation does not include
A.internal equity
B.external equity
C.collective equity
D.individual equity

973. An evaluation process of employees performance, in comparison to set standards is called
A.performance appraisal
B compensation
D.design of evaluation

974. An event, employees participation in skills practice sessions, known as
A.training and development
B.performance appraisal
C.recruiting and placement
D.career planning workshops

975. An example of variable pay is
A.profit sharing plan
B.pay for performance
C.pay for skills
D.pay for tenure

976. An illegal strike which occurs during term of agreement is classified as
A.wildcat strike
B.unfair labor practice strike
C.sympathy strike
D.economic strike

977. An informal employee-manager refers to
A.social recognition program
B.performance feedback
C.non-financial awards
D.financial awards

978. An integral part of feedback process is
A.direction sharing
B.goal alignment
C.ongoing performance monitoring
D.coaching and development support

979. An interview in which candidates are asked about relevant past experiences is a
A.situational interview
B.situational test
C.behavioral tests
D.job related questions

980. An interview in which, candidate is asked about behavior in past for given situation is
A.situational interview
B.situational test
C.behavioral tests
D.job related questions