1051. Treating employees as people or as an economic resources is :

A . decision that must be made by all managers
B. Mutually exclusive
C. A balance issue that will be affected by each organization’s context *
D. A matter of luck

1052. From the latter part of the 20th century, the creation of personnel as a specialist function dealing with human issues has been partially responsible for:

A. Denying line managers access to important aspects of people management
B. easing line managers’ workloads and stress levels
C. Creating greater workplace efficiency
D. Bureaucratizing the people function in workplace

1053. The origins of personnel management was an outcome of :

A. Welfare workers
B. Legislation relating to factory reform
C. Crafted by nineteenth century social reformers and quaker businesses *
D. The Government

1054. Scientific management contributed to the development of amore rational approach to management by developing which characteristics ?

A. The planning and organization of work based on scientific principles such as time and motion studies *
B. Better Working Conditions
C. Standardized Pay
D. The encouragement of trade unions

1055. In the 1960s, one final development had an impact on personnel management practices:

A. The effect of recession
B. Powerful trade unions
C. Globalization
D. Growing importance of training *

1056. A distinction can be made between ” hard ” and “soft” types of HRM Soft HRM can be characterized by :

A. Seeing people as organizational assets
B. A quantitative approach of HRM
C. Employee and employer dedication to the organization’s objectives
D. Being driven by costs

1057. According to the resource-based perspective, the company’s most important human resources are:

A. Workers who do not belong to unions
B. Knowledge workers
C. Used to develop new capabilities that contribute to the success of an organization *
D. Those willing to work overtime

1058. SHRM is also about strategic choice which refers to :

A. The cycles and choices that shape the association’s way of thinking towards its representatives *
B. Managerial prerogative in decision making
C. Dealing with employee associations or trade unions about the organization’s direction
D. Giving employees a “say” in organizational issues

1059. Do HR activities have an effect on employee and managerial behaviour ?

A. Yes, but these effects can be both beneficial and detrimental *
B. HR has little effect on managerial behavior or employee behavior.
C. HR affects employee behavior but not managerial behavior
D. No, HR affects managerial behavior.

1060. The view that employees are critical to Organizational success is now generally accepted .Does this mean that

A. Every employee contributes equally to the company’s value or potential.
B. It demonstrates the unprecedented delivery success of HR Practitioners.
C. Good management of people will prevail
D. Human resources management has become even more important because they are the hardest to replicate *