751. Job analysis involves
A.Job description and job specification
B.Job enlargement and job description
C.Job specification and job order
D.Job satisfaction and job enrichment

752. Manpower planning is a ______________ process because it not only analyze the current human resource but also makes manpower forecasts to draw employment programme
A.One phased
B.Two phased
C.Three phased
D.Four phased

753. The purpose of ______________ is to establish the document the “job relatedness” of employment procedures such as training ,selection, compensation and performance appraisal
B.Job description
C.Job specification
D.Job analysis

754. Which of the following is not a method of on-the job training method
C.Job instruction
D.Committee assignment

755. The minimum qualities required to perform a job is ______________
A.Job description
B.Job specification
C.Job design
D.Job analysis

756. ______________ refers to expansion of the no:of different tasks performed by an employee in a single job
A.Job enlargement
B.Job enrichment
C.Job rotation
D.Job design

757. ______________ is a test which helps to predict whether a person will be successful in a given job
D.None of these

758. ______________ training was small number of trainees, usually fewer than 12 in a group
A.Sensitivity training
B.Vestibule training
C.Case study
D.Role playing

759. Induction refers to
A.Give training to the employees
B.Give incentive to the employees
C.Introducing employee to the organization culture and situation
D.Increasing the morale of the employees

760. Management development training program provides
A.Wide awareness
B.Enlarged conceptual skills
C.Latest technological skills
D.All of the above