1431. The action of Vitamin K in formation of clotting factor is through:

A. Post Transcription
B. Post Translation *
C. Golgi complex
D. Endoplasmic reticulum

1432. Which of the following is not true of vitmain D ?

A. Its active for is calcitriol
B. Increase calcium absorption from the intestines
C. Its deficiency results in rickets
D. Its decrease cause phosphate reabsorption from the kidneys *

1433. Most of Vitmamin B12 in the body is stored as :

A. Methyl B12 *
B. Hyroxy B12
C. Cyano cobalamine
D. None of the above

1434. The following vitamin is important in no oxidative decarboxylation ,Transmination and transsulfuration reactions:

A. Riboflavin
B. Thiamine
C. Pyridoxine *
D. Pantothenic acid

1435. Vitamin C is present in largest amount in the body in :

A. Eye
B. Kidneys
C. Testes
D. Adrenal Cortex *

1436. Tryptophan load test helps in the evaluation of deficiency of the vitamin:

A. Folic acid
B. Niacinamide
C. Pyridoxine *
D. Cyano cobolamine

1437. Which vitamin is related to a co-factor in glycine metabolism is:

A. Vitamin E
B. Folic acid *
C. Thiamine
D. Cobalamine

1438. Two Vitamin whose derivatives are invovled in transformation of serine to glycine are :

A. B6 and B12
B. B12 and nicotinamie
C. Folic acid and B6 *
D. Folic acid and B12

1439. The mineral having sparing action on Vitamin E:

A. Chromium
B. Iron
C. Iodine
D. Selenium *

1440. 1st clinical sign of Vitamin A deficiency is :

A. Night Blindness
B. Bitot’s spots
C. Xerostomia
D. Conjunctival xeroses *