1351. In Niemann-pick’s disease the following substrance accumulate in CNS in excess:

A. Glycerophophatides
B. Phosphoinositides
C. Phosphosphingosides *
D. Glycerosphingosides

1352. Which of the following is a phospholipid?

A. Glycogen
B. Sphingomeyelin *
C. Prostaglandin
D. Oleic acid

1353. Unsaturated fatty acids are converted to :

A. Prostaglandins *
B. Cholesterol
C. Cell membrane lipid
D. Saturated fatty acid

1354. Saponification means hydrolysis of fats by:

A. Acid
B. Alkali *
C. Water
D. Enzymes

1355. The major lipids that make up the cell membrane are :

A. Triglycerides
B. Phosphlipids *
C. Sphingomyelins
D. Fatty acids

1356. The most important role of cholesterol is :

A. It is a component of cell membrane *
B. It is a precursor of polyunsaturated fatty acids
C. It stores up energy
D. None of the above

1357. A fatty acids that is not synthesized in man is :

A. Linoleic acid *
B. Oleic acid
C. Palmitic acid
D. Stearic acid

1358. Fatty acid oxidation occurs in :

A. Cytoplasm
B. Microsomes
C. Mitochondria *
D. All of the above

1359. Which of the following combination is correct ?

A. Thiamine -ACYL CoA
B. Biotine-CO2
C. ATP-hydrogen
D. All of the above *

1360. In the body, Metabolism of 10g of protein would produce approximately:

A. 1 Kcal
B. 41 Kcal *
C. 410 Kcal
D. 4100 Kcal