1151. The main pathways of metabolism in brain are ________.

A. Glycolysis and citric acid cycle *
B. Glycogenolysis and Gluconeogenesis
C. Embden-Meyerhof pathway and H.M.P Shunt
D. Glycogenolysis and citric and cycle

1152. In glycolysis ATP is produced by the following enzyme.

A. Hexokinase
B. Phosphoglycerate kinase *
C. Enolase
D. Phosphohexose insomerase

1153. Inhibition of glycolysis by O2 is known a ______.

A. Muni effect
B. pasteur effect *
C. Hill reaction
D. Gluconeogenesis

1154. Which one of the following is the correct sequential order in which the given enzymes of Kreb’s cycle are formed after a molecule of acetyl COA.

A. Citrate,oxalocetate,ketoglutarate *
B. Ketoglutarate,oxalocetate,citrate
C. Citrate,ketoglutarate,oxalocetate
D. Oxalocetate, Ketoglutarate, citrate

1155. Kreb’s cycle does not occur in _________.

A. Muscle
B. RBC *
C. Heart
D. All of the above

1156. In TCA cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle which is first formed _____.

A. Isocitrate
B. Citrate *
C. Succinate
D. Fumarate

1157. Renal threshold for glucose is _______.

A. 80 mg%
B. 100 mg%
C. 180 mg/dl *
D. 200 mg%

1158. The key enzyme of glucongeogenesis is ________.

A. Pyruvate carboxylase *
B. Fructose 1,6 disphosphatase
C. Glucose 6 phosphatase
D. Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase

1159. Which one of the following is a monosaccharide ?

A. Maltose
B. Sucrose
C. Fructose *
D. Starch

1160. Which of the following is abnormal constituent of urine ?

A. Glucose *
B. Creatine
C. Urea
D. None of these