471. Big Bang was an explosion that occurred ?
A. 10 Billion years ago
B. 15 Billion years ago
C. 20 Billion years ago
D. 25 Billion years ago

472. Big Bang theory explains_____________?
A. Origin of Universe
B. Origin of Sun
C. Laws of physics
D. None of above

473. Approximately how many Galaxies are there ?
A. 10 Billion Galaxies
B. 100 Billion Galaxies
C. 1000 Billion Galaxies
D. 10000 Billion Galaxies

474. Study of the Universe is known as___________?
A. Sociology
B. Cosmology
C. Universality
D. Pedology

475. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)______________?
A. helps line up cell proteins
B. is poisonous to tissues
C. is often needed as a catalyst
D. aids in oxidation of glucose

476. Which of the following is a mammal?
A. Ostrich
B. Crocodile
C. Platypus
D. Duck

477. A man can survive without food for at least?
A. 1 month
B. 2 month
C. 3 month
D. 4 month

478. Places experiencing equal impact of an earthquake are called_________________?
A. Seismic lines
B. Seismic built
C. Seismic plates
D. Seismic waves

479. Border line which separates outer space from Earth’s atmosphere is known as___________?
A. Durand line
B. Space line
C. Venus line
D. Karman line

480. Second layer of Earth’s atmosphere is__________?
A. Stratosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Thermosphere