1451. The science that studies living organism:

A. Biology *
B. Taxonomy
C. Anatomy
D. None of these

1452. The scientific study of plant life is called what ?

A. Hematology
B. Botany *
C. Archaeology
D. None of these

1453. What does a philologist study ?

A. Word pronunciation
B. Languages *
C. Learning
D. Autography

1454. Entomology is the study of :

A. Insects *
B. Bee keeping
C. Birds
D. Cancer

1455. Which particle of atom has a positive charge ?

A. Proton *
B. Neutron
C. Electrons
D. None of these

1456. Which particle of atom has no charge ?

A. Proton
B. Neutron *
C. Electrons
D. None of these

1457. Which particle of atom has a negative charge ?

A. Proton
B. Neutron
C. Electrons *
D. None of these

1458. Which are on the outer orbit of a atom ?

A. Proton
B. Neutron
C. Electrons *
D. None of these

1459. Stainless steel is an alloy of :

A. Iron,Cabrbon and Nickel
B. Iron and Manganese
C. Iron,Chromium and zinc
D. Iron,Chromium and Nickel *

1460. The main constituent gas of LNG is ?

A. Benzene
B. Ethane *
C. Methane
D. Butane