1541. To measure the specific gravity of milk, the instrument used is :

A. Hygrometer
B. Barometer
C. Lactometer *
D. Hydrometer

1542. One of the fundamental characteristics of iving organisms is called :

A. Photosynthesi
B. Digestion
C. Excretion
D. Metabolism *

1543. Plants growing on other plants are called as :

A. Saprophytes
B. Parasites *
C. Epiphytes
D. Pathogens

1544. As per eating habit, squirrels are :

A. Frugivorous (Fruit eater )
B. Herbivorous (Plant eater ) *
C. Carnivorous ( Animal eater)
D. Omnivorous ( Plants and animal eater )

1545. Water loss from leaves through stomata is called as :

A. Evaporation
B. Transpiration *
C. Respiration
D. None of these

1546. The study of how plants and animals interact with one another with the non living environment is called as :

A. Ecosystem
B. Sociology
C. Ecology *
D. Habitat

1547. The number of bones in Human body is :

A. 200
B. 202
C. 204
D. 206 *

1548. Nervous system in human body consists of :

A. Brain and spinal cord
B. Brain and Nerves
C. Spinal cord and Nerves
D. Brain, Spinal cord and Nerves *

1549. In human eye , the light sensitive layer made of specialized nerve cells, the rods and cones is called as :

A. The pupil
B. The cornes
C. The Sclera
D. The retina *

1550. Erythrocytes are also called as :

A. Red blood cells
B. White blood cells
C. Platelets
D. Plasma