Academic tasks provide 2000+ basic and advanced level of General Anatomy MCQs with answers and detailed explanations. In this section, we focus on all areas of MCQs on General Anatomy subject and cover all important topics of human and general anatomy like Embryology, Muscles of Head and Neck, Osteology, Salivary & Thyroid Glands, Vascular Supply of Head and Neck, Mouth, Pharynx, Larynx, Nerve Supply of Head and Neck, Tongue– and much more. All these topics are chosen from trusted and best reference books on General Anatomy. These human and general anatomy MCQs are also helpful for the preparation of interviews, entrance examinations, other competitive examinations, and certifications for all Experienced, Freshers, and Students. Also, check MCQs on Oral Anatomy here.

191. The maxillary vein accompanies_______________?

A. First part of maxillary artery
B. Second part of maxillary artery
C. Third part of maxillary artery
D. None of the above

192. Soft palate is supplied by________________?

A. Greater palatine artery
B. Ascending palatine artery
C. Ascending pharyngeal artery
D. All of the above

193. True about subclvatian artery_______________?

A. Principal artery of upper limb
B. Right subclavian artery is a branch of brachioceplialic artery
C. Left subclavian artery is a branch of arch of aorta
D. Internal thoracic, verterbraland thyro cervical trunk are branches of subclavian artery
E. All of the above

194. Occipital artery is a branch of _________________?

A. Internal carotid artery
B. Posterior branch of External carotid
C. Medial branch of external carotid
D. Anterior branch of external carotid

195. Middle meningeal artery is direct branch of_______________?

A. External carotid artery
B. Internal maxillary artery
C. Superficial temporal artery
D. Middle cerebral artery

196. Blood supply of coronoid process of mandible is primarily from_____________?

A. Inferior alveolar artery
B. Deep temporal artery
C. Facial artery
D. Middle meningeal artery

197. Artery palpable ar the anterior border of masserter is _________ artery?

A. Maxillary
B. Faical
C. Lingual
D. Superficial temporal

198. Middle thyroid vein drains into _______ vein?

A. External jugular
B. Anterior jugular
C. Internal jugular
D. Brachio cephalic

199. Foramen transversarium transmit________________?

A. Inferior jugular vein
B. Inferior petrosal sinus
C. Sigmoid sinus
D. Vertebral artery

200. That is not true for facial artery ?

A. Main source of blood supply to palatine tonsil
B. Supplies branches to upper and lower lips
C. Conveys post ganglionic sympathetic fibers to submandibulr gland
D. Is a branch of internal carotid artery