751. The foramen of Magendie is located in :

A. Inferior horn of lateral ventricle
B. Posterior horn of lateral ventricle
C. Anterior horn of lateral ventricle
D. The roof of the third ventricle
E. The fourth ventricle’s roof *

752. Structure that passes through the foramen ovale is :

A. Middle meningeal artery
B. Mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve *
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Sympathetic nerve
E. Facial Nerve

753. Regarding posterior spinocerebellar tract :

A. Consists of axons of neurons located in the anterior horn cells of spinal cord
B. Takes origin in the dorsal nucleus of clarke *
C. At C-8 level on the left side of spinal cord has originated in the left cerebral cortex
D. Ascends through the tectum of midbrain
E. Passes through the dorsal funiculus

754. Medial geniculate body is concerned with :

A. Visual pathway
B. Auditory pathway *
C. Pain and temperature pathway
D. Recognition
E. Recent memory

755. As 54 years old patient who has suffered a stroke shows reduced motivation and depression .Damage to his brain is most likely to the :

A. Basal Ganglia
B. Frontal lobe *
C. Temporal lobe
D. Parietal lobe
E. Occipital lobe

756. The following cranial nerves are attached to pons :

A. Vestibulocochlear nerve
B. Facial Nerve
C. Abducent nerve
D. Trigeminal nerve *
E. Vagus nerve

757. The autonomic nervous system :

A. Has supraspinal control over skeletal muscles
B. Arises from spinal cord only
C. Innervates the viscera, gland and blood vessels *
D. Is voluntary in nature
E. Has no connection with adrenal medulla

758. Regarding cranial nerves, the cranial nerve having parasympathetic part is :

A. Hypoglossal nerve
B. Abducent nerve
C. Trochlear nerve
D. The optic nerve
E. Oculomotor nerve *

759. All of the following are cerebellar nuclei except :

A. The caudate nucleus *
B. The dentate nucleus
C. The emboliform nucleus
D. The fastigial nucleus
E. The globose nucleus

760. The preganglionic neuron of sympathetic nervous system is located in :

A. Sympathetic chain
B. Lateral horn of spinal cord S2-S4
C. Brain stem
D. Lateral horn os spinal cord at T1 to L2 *
E. Hypothalamus