761. Anterior spinal artery is :

A. A branch of right vertebral artery
B. A branch of left vertebral artery
C. A branch of basilar artery
D. A branch of anterior inferior cerebellar artery
E. Formed by right and left vertebral artery *

762. Which of the following is the most abundant sensory receptor of the skin?

A. Free nerve endings *
B. Ruffini’s corpuscles
C. Pacinian corpuscles
D. Krause’s end bulbs
E. Meissner’s corpuscle

763. The glossopharyngeal nerve supplies :

A. Stylohyoid
B. Styloglossus
C. Stylopharyngeus *
D. Geniohyoid

764. Rhombencephalon is made up of :

A. Cerebrum and cerebellum
B. Cerebrum, cerebellum and pons
C. Spinal cord, medulla and cerebellum
D. Medulla, pon and cerebellum *
E. Cerebellum and thalamus

765. The facial colliculus is formed by fibers of facial nerve and :

A. Nucleus of trigeminal
B. Medial lemniscus
C. Nucleus of abducent *
D. Lateral lemniscus
E. Fibers of the abducent

766. The sensation of touch is carried by :

A. Anterior spinothalamic tract only
B. Lateral spinothalamic tract only
C. Anterior spinothalamic tract and the posterior column tracts *
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract and the posterior column tracts
E. Posterior column tracts only

767. The motor Cranial nerves are :

A. Olfactory, trochlear and glossopharyngeal
B. Vagus, Oculomotor and optic
C. Accessory, Oculomotor and trigeminal
D. Vestibulocochlear, abducent and facial
E. Abducent, accessory and hypoglossal *

768. Which of the following arteries contribute 80% to the circle of willis ?

A. Basilar artery
B. Internal carotid artery *
C. Anterior cerebral artery
D. Posterior cerebral artery
E. Middle cerebral artery

769. The superior cerebellar peduncle contains one of the following tracts :

A. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract *
B. Ventral spinocerebellar tract
C. Olivocerebellar tract
D. Cuneocerebellar tract
E. Pontocerebellar tract

770. Regarding subarachnoid cisterns :

A. Cisterna pontis is located posterior to the pons
B. Interpeduncular cistern directly communicates with lateral ventricles
C. Cisterna points contains internal carotid artery
D. Cerebello -Medullary cistern is located in anterior cranial foss
E. Interpeduncular cistern contains circle of willis *