981. The mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve(V3):

A. Provides general cutaneous fibers to the forehead above the orbit
B. Provides motor fibers to the masseter and temporalis muscle *
C. Provides general sensation to the posterior 1/2 of the mouth
D. Contains only muscle motor fibers

982. A lesion of the facial nerve , after it exists from the stylomastoid foramen, would effect all of the following except :

A. Mentalis
B. Stylohyoid
C. Platysma
D. Stapedius *

983. The sternomastoid muscle :

A. Arises from the mastoid process
B. Is inserted into the sternum and the clavicle
C. Is supplied by cranial part of accessory nerve
D. Turns the head to the opposite side *

984. Paralysis of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle would result from a lesion of which of the following nerves ?

A. Accessory nerve
B. Trigeminal nerve
C. Ansa cervicalis
D. Facial nerve *

985. Choose the correct statement :

A. The superior ophthalmic vein connects the facial vein to the cavernous sinus *
B. The supeior ophthalmic vein passes through the common tendinous ring
C. The ophthalmic artery is the first branch of the external carotid artery
D. The cilliary ganlion is medial to the optic nerve

986. The levator palpebrae superioris muscle is innervated by :

A. Facial nerve
B. Trouchlear nerve
C. Oculomotor nerve *
D. Abdusent nerve

987. All of the following are branches of external carotid artery except :

A. Facial artery
B. Ophthalmic artery *
C. Occipital artery
D. Lingual artery

988. After a fracture of the medial wall of the orbit, a patient cannot turn the pupil of affected side laterally . Which of the following muscles is most liekly injured ?

A. Inferior rectus
B. Lateral rectus *
C. Medial and inferior recti
D. Medial rectus

989. Which of the following is not a condensation of the deep cervical fascia :

A. Pretracheal fascia
B. Prevertebral fascia
C. Sphenomandibular ligament *
D. Carotid sheath

990. The lateral wall of orbit is formed by:

A. Greater wing of sphenoid and zygomatic *
B. Frontal bone
C. Lacrimal
D. Maxilla