871. The spetum transversum contributes to all of the following except :

A. Fibrous pericardium
B. Daiphragm
C. Liver capsule
D. Ventral mesentry
E. Dorsal mesentry *

872. The thymus is a derivative of which of the following :

A. 1st Pharngeal pouch
B. 3rd Pharngeal pouch *
C. 2nd Pharngeal pouch
D. 4th Pharngeal pouch
E. Ultimobranchial body

873. Tetralogy of fallot comprised of followin except :

A. Pulmonary stenosis
B. Ventricular septal defect
C. Overriding of Aorta
D. Hypertrophy of right ventricle
E. Persistant truncus arteriosus *

874. The uterine tubesof adult female are derived embryologically from :

A. Mesonophric duct
B. Mesonophric tubules
C. Para mesonopheric duct *
D. Para mesonopheric tubules
E. Ultero vaginal primordium

875. Functional derivatives ofmesonophric duct include :

A. Vas deferens *
B. Eopphoron
C. Upper part of vagina
D. Uterus
E. Gartner’s duct

876. Regarding physiological herniation midgut return to abdomen during :

A. 5th week of development
B. 6th week of development
C. 7th week of development
D. 8th week of development
E. 10th week of development *

877. The interstitial cells of leydig are derived from :

A. Yolk sac endoderm
B. Germinal epithelium
C. Neural crest ectoderm
D. Primordial germ cells
E. Gonadal ridge mesoderm *

878. Tuberculum impar is a feature of the development of :

A. Thyroid
B. Tonsil
C. Tongue *
D. Palate
E. Salivary glands

879. The lower lip develops from ?

A. Maxillary prominences
B. Lateral nasal prominences
C. Mandibular prominences *
D. Fronto nasal prominence
E. Nasolacrimal groove

880. The interstitial cells of leydig are derived from :

A. Yolk sac endoderm
B. Germinal epithelium
C. Neural crest ectoderm
D. Primordial germ cells
E. Gonadal ridge mesoderm