801. Medial geniculate body is associated with:

A. Proprioception
B. Olfaction
C. Vision
D. Hearing *
E. Task

802. The cranial nerve nucleus lying deep to the facial colliculus is :

A. Abducent nerve *
B. Trigeminal nerve
C. Olfactory nerve
D. Trochlear nerve
E. Vagus nerve

803. Hemorrhage from middle meningeal artery occurs in?

A. Subarachnoid space
B. Subarachnoid cistern
C. Spinal epidural space
D. Cerebral aqueduct
E. Cranial epidural space *

804. Th thalamus:

A. Is a motor relay station
B. Is part of telencephalon
C. Lies lateral to the genu of internal capsule
D. Has lentiform nucleus on its lateral side *
E. Is called the head ganglion of autonomic nervous system

805. The substantia gelatinosa continues into the medulla oblongata as :

A. Gracile nucleus
B. Dorsal nucleus of vagus
C. Cuneate nucleus
D. Nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve *
E. The inferior olivary nucleus

806. Regarding subarachnoid cisterns :

A. The sterna pontis is next to the pons.
B. The lateral ventricles are directly connected to the interpeduncular cistern.
C. Cisterna pontis contains internal carotid artery
D. Cerebello-medullary cistern is located in anterior cranial fossa
E. A circle of willis can be found in the interpeduncular cistern *

807. Regarding brainstern, which nerves out of the following is related to pons ?

A. Oculomotor
B. Abducent *
C. Vagus
D. Trochlear
E. Hypoglossal

808. The cranial nerves involved in corneal reflex are :

A. Optic and oculomotor nerve
B. Optic and trochlear nerve
C. Oculomotor and trochlear nerves
D. The trigeminal and facial nerves *
E. Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve

809. Medial longitudinal fasciculus :

A. Contains anterior and posterior spinothalamic tracts
B. Contains anterior, posterior spinothalamic tracts and spinotectal tracts
C. Contains anterior and posterior spinocerebellar tracts
D. Connects 3rd,4th,6th and 8th cranial nerves *
E. Contains nucleus ambiguous

810. Regarding posterior spinocerebellar tract :

A. Consists of neurons’ axons in the spinal cord’s anterior horn cells
B. Takes beginning in the dorsal core of clarke *
C. The left cerebral cortex is where the at-C-8 level on the left side of the spinal cord came from.
D. Ascends through the rectum of midbrain
E. Passes through the dorsal funiculars