851. The anterior two-thirds of the tongue develops from the :

A. Lateral lingual swellings *
B. Second branchial arch
C. Tuberculum impar
D. Copula
E. Third Branchial arch

852. Neutral tube defects can be due to the deficiency of ?

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Minerals
D. Folic acid *
D. Enzymes

853. Regarding a new born baby, the fecal discharge from umbilicus is due to :

A. Omphalocele
B. Umbilical fistula *
C. Meckel’s diverticulum
D. Vitelline ligament
E. Vitelline cyst

854. The junction of the foregut and midgut is at :

A. The gastroduodenal junction
B. The entrance of the bile duct into the duodenum *
C. The duodenojejunal junction
D. Two feet distal to the commencement of the jejunum
E. The jejunoileal junction

855. A mother brings her recently born infant to a pediatrician with the complaint that the infant gags and chokes after swallowing milk.Which one of coming up next is the most probable reason :

A. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
B. Tracheoesophageal fitsula *
C. Congenital lobar emphysema
D. Respiratory distress syndrome
E. Pulmonary hypoplasia

856. In female embryo the gubernaculum is attached to the developing uterus near the attachment of uterine tubes and gives rise to the :

A. Ovarian ligament
B. Suspensory ligament of the ovary
C. Round ligament *
D. Both ovarian and round ligaments
E. Ligamentum gubernaculums

857. The primary components of the male reproductive system develop from the :

A. Paramesonephric ducts
B. Anorectal canal
C. Caudal end of allontois
D. Metanephros
E. Mesonephric ducts *

858. The interstitial cells of leydig ae derived from :

A. Yolk sac endoderm
B. Germinal epithelium
C. Neural crest ectoderm
D. Primordial germ cells
E. Gonadal ridge mesoderm *

859. In the development of the nervous system :

A. The sulcus limitans is tracked down in the diencephalon
B. The infundibulum is an outgrowth of the telencephalon that forms into the neurohypophysis
C. Sensory nuclei in the hindbrain lien ventral to the sulcus limitans
D. The internal ear is gotten from surface ectoderm *
E. All of the above

860. Definitive stomach epithelial lining originate from :

A. The endoderm *
B. Neural crest cells
C. The surface ectoderm
D. Intermediate mesoderm
E. Surrounding mesenchyme