911. A newborn baby presents with urine dribbling from the umbilicus . What is the most likely cause ?

A. Urachal cyst
B. Urachal fistula *
C. Horseshoe kidney
D. Urachal sinus

912. Derivatives of hindgut include :

A. Ascending colon
B. Vermiform appendix
C. Rectum *
D. Caecum

913. The primary components of the male reproductive system develop from the :

A. Paramesonephric ducts
B. Anorectal canal
C. Metanephros
D. Mesonephric ducts *

914. A urachal cyst is remnant of :

A. Urogenital sinus
B. Urogenital ridge
C. Cloaca
D. Allantois *

915. In intestinal development :

A. The gut is a mesodermal derivative
B. The whole of the foregut apart from the stomach undergoes rotation
C. The stomach is a midgut derivative
D. Midgut development involves herniation of bowel into the umbilicus *

916. Which of the following is not a derivative of the first pharyngeal arch ?

A. Anterior belly of digastric muscle
B. Mylohyoid muscle
C. Malleus
D. Muscles of facial expression *

917. The lower ends of the mesonephric ducts are absorbed into the developing urinary bladder and form which part of this structure ?

A. Trigone *
B. Posterior wall
C. Anterior wall
D. Apex

918. The lower ends of the mesonephric ducts are absorbed into the developing urinary bladder and will form its :

A. Trigone *
B. Posterior wall
C. Anterior wall
D. Lateral walls

919. The primordial germ cells ae first observed in the :

A. Wall of the yolk sac *
B. Genital ridge
C. Indifferent gonad
D. Wall of the allantois

920. The fetal heart begins to pump blood by day :

A. 15
B. 20
C. 27
D. 21 *