771. Regarding the hypothalamus all of the following are false except :

A. Forms part of the mid-brain
B. Forms part of the roof of the third ventricle
C. Is responsible for temperature regulation *
D. Contains the facial-colliculus
E. Has nerve connections with the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland

772. Regarding the peripheral nervous system :

A. Does not contain bodies of neurons
B. Gray matter forms the spinal nerves
C. Dorsal and ventral rami unite to form a typical spinal nerve
D. Axons are unmyelinated by oligodendrocytes
E. Includes the cranial nerves *

773. Epithalamus includes :

A. Medial geniculate body
B. Anterior commissure
C. Lamina terminalis
D. Pineal body *
E. Fornix

774. The autonomic nervous system :

A. Has supraspinal control over skeletal muscles
B. Arises from spinal cord only
C. Innervates the viscera glands and blood vessels *
D. Is voluntary in nature
E. Has no connection with adrenal medulla

775. Central sulcus separates :

A. Frontal from temporal lobe
B. Frontal from parietal lobe *
C. Parietal from occipital lobe
D. Parietal from temporal lobe
E. Frontal from occipital lobe

776. The space between pia matter and arachnoid matter is called :

A. External dural space
B. Sub Dural space
C. Sub arachnoid space *
D. Cistern
E. Cauda aquiha

777. Which of the following cranial nerve is a pure motor nerve ?

A. Optic
B. Olfactory
C. Abducent *
D. Facial
E. Trigeminal

778. Broca’s area is an are of speech in cerebral cortex . It is located in :

A. Parietal lobe
B. Limbic lobe
C. Occipital lobe
D. Temporal lobe
E. Frontal lobe *

779. A lower motor neuron lesion is a lesion in the :

A. Anterior horn cells of the spinal cord
B. Peripheral nerve
C. Motor area of the cerebral hemisphere
D. A and B only *
E. All of the above

780. Regarding internal capsule, the internal capsuleis a type of :

A. Projection fibers *
B. Association fibers
C. Commissural fibers
D. Gray matter in pons
E. White matter in pons