881. Collapse of alveoliin hyaline membrane disease :

A. Is due to increased production of surfactant
B. Occurs frequently in ful term infants
C. Is a result of a decreased number of type I alveolar epithelial cells
D. Results from insufficient production of surfactant *

882. Which of the following structure is derived from neuoepithelial cells :

A. Lens placodes
B. Microglial cells *
C. Arachnoid matter
D. Protoplasmic astrocytes

883. Skeletal muscles of lower limbs are derived from :

A. The paraxial mesoderm *
B. Extraembryonic mesoderm
C. Splanchnopleuric mesoderm
D. The later plate mesoderm

884. The greater omentum is derived from :

A. Dorsal mesoduodenum
B. Dorsal mesogastrium *
C. Pericardioperitoneal membrane
D. Lateral mesoderm

885. The first organ of the body to start functioning is :

A. Brain
B. Lungs
C. Heart *
D. Spleen

886. Regarding development of the kidney :

A. A kidney is derived from endoderm
B. There are two phases of kidney development
C. The kidneys descend during development to their final site
D. Ureter develops from the mesonephric duct *

887. The herniated intestinal loops return to the abdominal cavity :

A. During the 10th Week *
B. Due to the shortening of the dorsal mesentery of the gut
C. By active migration of the gut
D. During the 12th week

888. A newborn baby presents with fluid draining from the umbilicus onto the skin. Testing of the fluid identifies it as urine. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Urachal cyst
B. Urachal sinus
C. Urachal Fistula *
D. Horseshoe kidney

889. Tetralogy of fallot is characterized by all of the following except :

A. Left ventricular hypertrophy *
B. Pulmonary stenosis
C. Overriding of Aorta
D. Ventricular septal defect

890. Regarding kidney development, the met nephrogenic blastema helps in the formation of :

A. Male urethra
B. The adrenal gland
C. Definitive adult kidney *
D. Urinary bladder