791. Regarding the 4th Ventricle :

A. The roof is called as the rhomboid fossa
B. The pineal body is suspended from the roof of 4th Ventricle
C. It is the cavity of midbrain
D. The lateral boundary is formed by middle cerebellar peduncle
E. Its cavity communicates with subarachnoid space through three apertures *

792. The most common site for obstruction to flow of cerebrospinal fluid causing hydrocephalus , is the :

A. The foramen of Magendie
B. Foramina of luschka
C. The central canal
D. Aqueduct of sylvius *
E. The foramina of Monro

793. The superior cerebellar peduncle connects the cerebellum with the :

A. Restiform body
B. Inferior olive
C. Medulla
D. Midbrain *
E. Pons

794. The sigmoid sinus :

A. Is the straight sinus’s natural continuation.
B. Grooves the sphenoid bone
C. Ends at the foramen magnum
D. Contains abducent nerve as one of its contents
E. Becomes continues with superior bulb of internal jugular vein *

795. Visual pathway consists of all the following except :

A. Medial geniculate body *
B. Lateral geniculate body
C. Optic Tract
D. Optic Nerve
E. Optic radiation

796. Thirst and hunger centers are located in the :

A. Brainstem
B. Cerebral cortex
C. Thalamus
D. Hypothalamus *
E. Basal Ganglia

797. The most slender of cranial nerves which leaves the posterior surface of brain stem is :

A. Oculomotor nerve
B. Trochlear nerve *
C. Trigeminal nerve
D. Abducent nerve
E. Facial nerve

798. Corpus callosum :

A. Connects the two hemisphere *
B. Has long association fibers beneath cortex
C. Has short association fibers to form named bundles
D. Composed of superior longitudinal fasciculus
E. Is a bundle of projection fibers

799. The subarachnoid space in the adult ends at :

A. Second lumbar vertebra
B. Second sacral vertebra *
C. Second coccygeal vertebra
D. First lumbar vertebra
E. First sacral vertebra

800. Internal capsule consist of :

A. Afferent fibers
B. Efferent fibers C
C. Both Afferent and Efferent fibers *
D. Half from each
E. No Fibers