811. Cranial Nerves carrying parasympathetic fibers are :

A. 3,7,9,10 nerve *
B. 9,10,11,12 nerve
C. 2,7,9,10 nerve
D. 5,6,7,10 nerve
E. 3,8,9,10 nerve

812. Dermatiome means :

A. Skin surface
B. Under the skin
C. Part of skin supplied by single nerve *
D. Sensitive part of skin
E. Disease part of skin

813. An upper motor neuron lesion can occur in any one of the following except :

A. Internal capsule
B. Pyramid of the medulla
C. Crus cerebri of the midbrain
D. The spinal nerve’s ventral root *
E. Corticospinal tract

814. Babinski sign is usually associated with lesion of :

A. Corticospinal tract *
B. Dorsal white column
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract

815. The brain stem includes :

A. The spinal cord and medulla oblongata
B. The medulla, pons and midbrain *
C. Medulla oblongata and pons
D. Spinal cord , medulla oblongata and pons
E. Medulla oblongata pons and cerebellum

816. The largest cistern of the brain is :

A. Imper Peduncular cistern
B. Cisterna pontis
C. Cisterna chiasmatic
D. Cerebello medullary cistern *
E. None of the above

817. Meissner’s corpuscle are sensory receptors for :

A. Touch sensations
B. Pressure sensations *
C. Pain and temperature sensations
D. Cold sensations
E. Movements and position of a joint

818. The postganglionic neuron of sympathetic nervous system is located in :

A. Sympathetic chain
B. Lateral horn of spinal cord at S2 – S4
C. Ciliary ganglion
D. Coeliac ganglion *
E. Cardiac plexus

819. All of the following are true with regard to the internal capsule except :

A. It is made up of grey matter *
B. The caudate nucleus and the lenticular nucleus are separated by the anterior limb.
C. Fibers connecting the frontal lobe to the red nucleus are found in the posterior limb
D. Corticothalamic fibers are found in the anterior limb
E. Contralateral spastic hemiplegia can result from infraction of the lenticulostriate artery

820. Regarding spinal cord segments, the 12th thoracic vertebra is at the level of :

A. L1 cord segment
B. L4 cord segment
C. L3 cord segment *
D. L2 cord segment
E. L5 cord segment