931. The right horn of sinus venosus is the precursor of the :

A. Pectinate wall of the left atrium
B. Pectinate wall of the right atrium
C. Smooth wall of the right atrium *
D. Smooth wall of the right atrium

932. Regarding kidney development pronephric system disappear by the end of :

A. Fourth week *
B. Third month
C. Sixth month
D. Eight month

933. The nucleus pulposus is derived from :

A. Neutral tube
B. Neural crest cells
C. Notochord *
D. Myotomes

934. Musculature of first pharyngeal arch includes all except :

A. Muscles of mastication
B. Anterior belly of digastric muscle
C. Tensor tympani muscle
D. Stapedius *

935. Meckel’s diverticulum results from abnormal persistence of the :

A. Allantois
B. Vitelline duct *
C. Herniated gut
D. Urorectal system

936. Cervical sinus is formed by :

A. Over growth of the 2nd pharyngeal arch over the others *
B. Over growth of the 1st pharyngeal arch over the others
C. Over growth of the 1st and 2nd pharyngeal arch over the others
D. Over growth of the 3rd pharyngeal arch over the others

937. Which of the following structure is derived from midgut:

A. Appendix *
B. Liver
C. Pancrease
D. Stomach

928. In intestinal development :

A. The gut is a mesodermal derivative
B. The stomach is a midgut derivative
C. Rupture of the cloacal membrane creates the mouth
D. Midgut development involves herniation of bowel into the umbilicus *

929. The greater omentum is derived from :

A. Dorsal mesoduodenum
B. Dorsal mesogastrium *
C. Pericardioperitoneal canal
D. Lateral mesoderm

930. External spermatic fascia developmentally is derived from the :

A. Superficial fascia of the anterior abdominal wall
B. External oblique muscle aponeurosis *
C. Internal oblique muscle aponeurosis
D. Fascial transversalis