931. The ureter in both sexes is a derivation of :

A. Mesonephric duct *
B. Paramesonephric duct
C. Cloaca
D. Lateral plate mesoderm

932. At birth, the skin is covered by a whitish paste known as the :

A. Ichthyosis layer
B. Corium
C. Subcorium
D. Vernix caseosa *

933. The tensor tympani is derived from :

A. Second pharyngeal pouch
B. First pharyngeal arch *
C. Third pharyngeal arch
D. Fourth Pharyngeal pouch

934. Which artery prevents horseshoe kidney from ascending high into abdomen :

A. Coeliac trunk
B. Superior mesenteric artery
C. Inferior mesenteric artery *
D. Left renal artery and right renal artery

935. The scrotum is developed from :

A. Bucks fascia
B. Corpus spongiosum
C. Labioscrotal swelling *
D. Corpus cavernosum

936. Which of the following is not a derivative of the first pharyngeal arch ?

A. Anterior belly of digastric muscle
B. Mylohyoid muscle
C. Malleus
D. Muscles of facial expression *

937. The excretory units of the urinary system are derived from :

A. Lateral plater mesoderm
B. Endoderm
C. Intermediate mesoderm *
D. Ectoderm

938. A mother brings her recently born infant to a pediatrician with the complaint that the infant gags and chokes after swallowing milk. Which one of the following is the most likely cause :

A. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
B. Tracheoesophageal fistula *
C. Congenital lobar emphysema
D. Pulmonary hypoplasia

939. The perineal body is formed by the fusion of :

A. Anal folds
B. Genital folds
C. Perineal tubercles
D. Urorectal septum and cloacal membrane *

940. An umbilical fistula with discharging urine in a new born baby could be due to :

A. Patent allantois *
B. Patent vitelline duct
C. Urachal cyst
D. Urachal sinus