1421. The principal of ex injuria non oritur jus means :

A. No advantage can be received from an unlawful demonstration
B. A lawful right moves from an unlawful demonstration *
C. A state can go on was in the event of a physical issue
D. None of these

1422. The term of judges of International court of Justice is :

A. Three years
B. Five years
C. Six years
D. Nine years *

1423. When was the charter of Human rights adopted ?

A. 1945
B. 1948 *
C. 1951
D. None of these

1424. Tobar Doctrine is related to :

A. The recognition of a state
B. The recognition of a government *
C. The recognition of insurgents
D. None of these

1425. Conference of Bogota was held in :

A. 1920
B. 1936
C. 1948 *
D. None of them

1426. Vienna conference of 1961 is related to :

A. Diplomatic inter course and immunities *
B. Prisoners-of-war
C. Recognition of states
D. None of these

1427. Who is called the father of international law ?

A. Hago Grotius *
B. Oppenhein
C. Suerez
D. None of these

1428. Foreign warships have :

A. The right of free entry in the regional waters
B. The right of guiltless section in the regional waters
C. To stay in the territorial waters
D. None of these *

1429. A landlocked state is :

A. Surrounded by water from all sides
B. Surrounded by enemy states from all sides
C. Encircled via land from all sides *
D. None of these

1430. Contiguous zone is limited to a maximum of :

A. 25 Miles *
B. 50 Miles
C. 12 Miles
D. None of these