1441. Diplomatic staff enjoys complete immunity from :

A. Civil Jurisdication
B. Criminal Jurisdiction
C. Both *
D. None of these

1442. Number of Judges of International court of Justice is :

A. Nine
B. Twelve
C. Fifteen *
D. None of the above

1443. Permanent court of International Justice was established under :

A. League of Nations *
C. European Union
D. None of the above

1444. Pacta sunt Servanda means :

A. Treaties Between states are to be respected *
B. An unwanted person
C. International law must be honoured
D. None of the above

1445. Headquarters of International courte of Justice is in :

A. Hague *
B. Geneva
C. New York
D. None of the above

1446. Persona Non Gruta means :

A. Impracticable article of international law
B. A fugitive criminal
C. A person refused for asylum
D. None of the above *

1447. Father of the law of Nation is :

A. Grotius *
B. Hegel
C. Anziloei
D. None of the above

1448. Principles Jes Soli means :

A. Grant of nationality on the basis of place birth *
B. Grant of nationality on the basis of Blood relation
C. Grant of nationality through nationalization
D. None of the above

1449. Much of International law is derived through analogy from :

A. Islamic Law
B. Christian Law
C. Roman Law *
D. None of the above

1450. Truce mean :

A. A temporary arrangement between the belligerent parties for cessation of hostilities *
B. Any peace treaty to end a war
C. No War pact
D. None of the above