1431. The Alabama claims Arbitration case was decided in :

A. 1872 *
B. 1854
C. 1890
D. None of the above

1432. The convention for the protection of the Ozone layer was done on :

A. March 22, 1985 *
B. March 23, 1985
C. March 24, 1985
D. March 25, 1985

1433. Culvo clause means :

A. A state can mediate in the interest of its nationals *
B. A state cannot intervene on behalf of its nationals
C. An Alien agrees not to seek the diplomatic protection of his own state
D. None of these

1434. Diplomatic relations are established by :

A. Mutual Consent *
B. A unilateral decision
C. A decision of a regional organization
D. None of the above

1435. Eruption of war terminates :

A. All treaties
B. Not treaty
C. Only political treaties *
D. None of the above

1436. Foreign ships sailing and anchoring in the coastal waters of another state are :

A. Dependent upon the law of banner state
B. Dependent upon the law of seaside state
C. Subject to the law of both the states *
D. None of the above

1437. Piracy is an offense within the jurisdiction of the :

A. Flag state
B. Offenders state
C. All the states *
D. None of the above

1438.Territorial waters are :

A. Water outside the territorial limits of the state
B. Waters dividing territory of two or more states
C. Waters nearby the coterminous zone *
D. None of the above

1439. Non Permanent members of the security council are elected for a period of :

A. 7 Years
B. 3 Years
C. 2 Years *
D. None of the above

1440. The Montreal convention for the safety of civil aviation was signed in :

A. 1971 *
B. 1972
C. 1973
D. 1974