1351. ” The 19th century saw unity, whereas the 20th century saw division.. Which nation’s history provides the strongest support for this assertion?

A. Italy
B. Germany *
C. Spain
D. Mexico

1352. The latin american leaders simon bolivar, Miguel Hidalgo, and Jose de san Martin are most closely associated with :

A. Independence movements *
B. Communist revolutions’
C. Economic expansion
D. Educational reforms

1353. ” Juarez routs french soldiers in mexico” ” Bolivar leads transformation in south america” These paper titles allude to the crisis of :

A. Colonialism
B. Nationalism *
C. Marxism
D. Mercantilism

1354. Thomas Jefferson, Simon Bolivar, and Giuseppe Garibaldi were all similar in that they all:

A. Instilled in their people a sense of nationalism *
B. After gaining control of their nation, denied citizens the right to vote
C. Opposed the United States’ territorial expansion
D. Established a government in accordance with Marx’s concepts

1355. Which was a major reason for the creation of the separate nationsl of indian and pakistan in 1947?

A. India was monetarily reliant upon Incredible England, While pakistan was financially independent
B. The two nations had very different ideas about how government should work.
C. There was significant disagreement between the two regions’ religious and cultural practices *
D. The Indian subcontinent’s natural geological features separated the two regions.

1356. Jomo Kenyatta and Kwame Nkrumah were african leaders opposed to :

A. Militarism
B. Socialism
C. Nationalism
D. Colonialism *

1357. In africa, a major result of world War II was :

A rise in sentiments of nationalism *
B. A general decline in quality of life
C. An increase in European nations’ colonization
D. A rapid decline in population

1358. Who was Frederic sorrieu ?

A. A philosopher
B. A painter *
C. A politician
D. A revolutionaries

1359. With regard to Romanticism, which of the following is true?

A. Concept of government by consent
B. Freedom for the individual
C. Cultural movement *
D. Freedom of Markets

1360. What was the basic philosophy of the conservatives ?

A. They opposed monarchial forms
B. They were the supporters of democracy
C. Their goal was to promote vernacular language and folk art.
D. They focused on the significance of custom and laid out establishments and customs *