1341. Aid is likely to be viewed by Neo-Marxists as which of the following?

A. A generous contribution by developed nations to the development of Third World countries
B. A handout encouraging laziness corruption of inefficiency in Third world countries which undermines their initiative and ability to help themselves
C. As a form of imperialism through which rich countries exert power an control over poorer countries *
D. None of the above

1342. Which one of the following is not an NGO?

A. WTO *
B. Christian Aid
C. Red cross
D. Oxfam

1343. The movement to alter the terms of trade so that produces in developing countries achieve a higher share of the profit is known as :

A. Free trade
B. The highly indebted poor countries initiative
C. Trade liberalization
D. Fair trade *

1344. People move from the countryside to cities and towns through a process known as:

A. Colonization
B. Urbanization *
C. Desertification
D. Emigration

1345. The movement of manufacturing production from the developed world to low wage economics in the third world is known as :

A. Industrialization
B. The new international division of labor *
C. The new multi nationalism
D. The north south divide

1346. The immature nations of the third world are once in a while alluded to as which one of the accompanying ?

A. Core Nations
B. Satellite countries *
C. Neo=colonial countries
D. Servant societies

1347. -The best example of nationalism is :

A. The Indian people’s call for independence from Britain *
B. A lord from the Middle Ages building an army to defend his manor
C. The peacekeeping powers of the assembled countries watching in Lebanon
D. Spain’s decision to join the organization known as NATO

1348. The term pan-Africanism can best be defined as a movement whose purpose is to :

A. Promote African unity *
B. Support cultural diversity
C. Encourage European investment in africa
D. Advocate a return to colonial conditions

1349. A major factor in the development of 20th century nationalist movements throughout africa was a common :

A. Language throughout most of africa *
B. Goal to end European rule in Africa
C. Ethnic bond among the people of sub-saharan africa
D. Religion throughout most of africa

1350. European imperialism promoted the development of nationalism in asian and african countries by :

A. Intentionally bringing people together to oppose foreign rule *
B. Encouraging colonies to form free trade groups
C. Establishing christianity as the common religion
D. Discouraging patriotic feelings toward the mother country