1091. The coming Anarchy: Written by journalist________.

A. Samuel P. Huntington
B. Robert D. Kaplan *
C. Albert Camus
D. None of these

1092. Who is the current russian foreign Minister ?

A. Sergei Lavrov *
B. Gennedy Gatilov
C. Anatoly Antanov
D. None of these

1093. Good Friday agreement also known as _______.

A. Brexit
B. North/South agreement
C. Belfast agreement *
D. None of these

1094. Who was Pol Pot?

A. Chairman of the communist party of cambodia
B. Cambodian revolutionary *
C. Cambodian military chief
D. None of these

1095. Number of original members of SCO ?

A. 6
B. 5 *
C. 7
D. None of these

1096. The three evils are defined by the chinese government as “terrorism separatism and ?

A. Anti-Communism
B. Religious Extremism *
C. Taiwan
D. None of these

1097. Operation enduring freedom (OEF) was the official name used by the US government for the _____.

A. Intervention in libya
B. Intervention in Iraq
C. Global war On terrorism *
D. None of these

1098. What are Kant’s three articles of perpetual peace ?

A. Every state’s civil constitution will be republican.
B. A federation of free states will be the foundation for nations’ rights.
C. Cosmopolitanism right shall be limited to conditions of universal hospitality .
D. All of above *

1099. Who said, “War is too serious to trust military men with it?”

A. Georges clemenceau *
B. Raymond Poincare
C. Paul Painleve
D. None of these

1100. Hedging risk for a long position is accomplished by _______.

A. Taking another long position
B. Taking a short position *
C. Taking additional long and short position in equal amounts
D. Taking a neutral position