201. Versailles Peace Conference was held in:
A. 1918
B. 1919
C. 1920
D. None of these

202. Germany invaded Poland in:
A. 1938
B. 1939
C. 1940
D. None of these

203. Bretton Woods Conference was concluded in:
A. July,1944
B. August,1944
C. September,1944
D. None of these

204. ECOSOC has been established under chapter _______ of the UN
A. V
C. X
D. None of these

205. The UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim belonged to:
A. Austria
B. Poland
C. Belgium
D. None of these

206. “Politics Among Nations” was written by:
A. K.J.Holstai
B. Hans Morgenthau
C. Frederick Hartman
D. None of these

207. United Arab Emirates is a federation of:
A. 5 Emirates
B. 6 emirates
C. 7 Emirates
D. None of these

208. The ICJ is located at:
A. Washington
B. Geneva
C. Hague
D. None of these

209. Cuban Missiles Crisis occurred during:
A. 1958
B. 1960
C. 1962
D. None of these

210. German reunification occurred in:
A. 1990
B. 1991
C. 1992
D. None of these