1861. The sugar which forms major component of nucleic acids is :

A. Ribose *
B. Galactose
C. Mannose
D. Maltose

1862. Under aerobic condition pyruvate is converted by pyruvate dehydrogenase to :

A. Phosphoenol pyruvate
B. Acetyl CoA *
C. Lactate
D. Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate

1863.Which of the following is not a disaccharide ?

A. Amylose *
B. Cellobiose
C. Lactose
D. None of these

1864. Hexokinase activity in glycolysis is inhibited by :

A. Glucose 6- Phosphate *
B. Fructose 6- Phosphate
C. Fructose 1, 6 Bisphosphate]
D. Phosphofructokinase

1865. The ultimate source of energy that sustains living system is :

A. Glucose
B. Oxygen
C. Sunlight *
D. Carbon dioxide

1866. Citric acid accumulation would :

A. Stimulate phosphofructokinase activity
B. Stimulate fructose1,6 diphosphatase activity
C. Inhibit phosphofructokinase activity
D. Both B and C *

1867. Which of the following is not involved in the biosynthesis of DNA ?

A. Energy from ATP
B. Mononucleotides
C. Carbonic anhydrase *
D. Enzymes

1868. Which of the following would considered a part of metabolism ?

A. Biosynthetic pathways that build DNA
B. Pathways that break down complex carbohydrates via catabolism
C. Capturing light energy for glucose production
D. All of the above *

1869. What is the function of insulin?

A. Stimulates gluconeogenesis an glycolysis
B. Stimulates gluconeogenesis and inhibits glycolysis
C. Inhibits gluconeogenesis and glycolysis
D. Inhibits glucongeogenesis and stimulates glycolysis *

1870. What is present in the stomach to prevent self-digestions?

A. Mucus *
B. Acid
C. Enzymes
D. Hormones