1161. Fern belongs to ____________.

A. Bryiophyta
B. Pteridophyta *
C. Anthophyta
D. None of these

1162. In which section of the plant does photosynthesis take place ?

A. Roots
B. Stem
C. Leaves *
D. Flowers

1163. Photosynthesis takes place faster in ____________.

A. Yellow light
B. White light *
C. Red light
D. Darkness

1164. Age of a tree can be determined by ____________.

A. Counting the number of rings in the stem *
B. Counting the number of leaves
C. Counting the number of branches
D. Measuring the size of the tree

1165. The green colour leaves are due to the presence of ____________.

A. Metallic ions
B. Haemoglobin
C. Iron
D. Chlorophyll *

1166. During the day time plants ___________.

A. Take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide
B. Take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen *
C. Take in nitrogen and give out oxygen
D. Take in carbon dioxide and give out nitrogen

1167. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from __________.

A. Chlorophyll
B. Atmosphere
C. Light
D. Soil *

1168. Potato is a modified form of __________.

A. Root
B. Stem *
C. Fuit
D. Leaf

1169. A plant cell is distinguished from an animal cell by the presence of ___________.

A. Nucleus *
B. Chloroplasts
C. Cell membrane
D. Cytosol

1170. A man with blood group A can receive blood from persons having blood groups _________.

A. A,O *
B. A,B,O
D. A, B