1801. Carbohydrates and protein, when combined form :

A. Amino acids
B. Fiber
C. Mucus *
D. Nucleic acids

1802. Age, activities and life style determines the :

A. Peristalsis
B. Rate of reaction
C. Amount of food materials *
D. Sleep time

1803. Lack of ascorbic acid causes:

A. Tooth decay
B. Demineralization of bones
C. Calcification of soft tissues
D. Poor healing of wounds *

1804. Beriberi diseases originates in :

A. France
B. England
C. China *
D. Sweden

1805. Disachharides (C12H22O11) are also called as :

A. Simple sugars
B. Polymer sugar
C. Complex sugar *
D. Compound sugar

1806. Cold climate vs tropics, basal metabolic rate is :

A. Higher *
B. Lower
C. Constant
D. None of these

1807. Which of the following is most likely to produce anaphylaxis in a susceptible individual?

A. Pollen
B. Mold
C. Dust
D. Bee sting *

1808. What type of B cell remains dormant in the body but can respond rapidly if the same antigen appears again?

A. T cells
B. Memory cells *
C. Plasma cells
D. Macrophages

1809. The Maturation of T cells and the production of particular T cell receptors occur in the :

A. Thyroid gland
B. Thymus gland *
C. Testes
D. All of them

1810. Which of the following provide specific defence against viruses and bacteria?

A. T cells
B. B Cells *
C. Complement
D. Inflammation