251. The method of reproduction of new plants by cells instead of seed is known is:___________?
A. Tissue culture
B. Mutation
C. Antibiosis
D. Recombination

252. The cardio respiratory capacity is related to____________?
A. Strength
B. Flexibility
C. Normal physical endurance
D. Agility

253. Ultra Microscopic viruses are the main cause of__________?
A. Malaria
B. Measles
C. Mumps
D. Cholera

254. Which is NOT an example of a microbial symbiosis?
A. bacteria in the human colon
B. tapeworm in the cow intestine
C. bacteria passing through the placenta
D. protozoans found within termites

255. Which of the following proteins have role in heredity?
A. Chromo-proteins
B. Lipo-proteins
C. Phospho-proteins
D. Nucleo-proteins

256. Deficiency of vitamin C will cause:__________?
A. Beri-Beri
B. Architis
C. Scurvy
D. Night-blindness

257. Coelom is divided into septa in case of:__________?
A. Molluscs
B. Annelids
C. Sponges
D. Cniderians

258. Haemoglobin is dissolved in the blood of:___________?
A. Earthworm
B. Cockroach
C. Hydra
D. Sponges

259. Like enzymes , co enzyme can be used ?
A. only once
B. only few times
C. again and again
D. non of above

260. Which of the following gases readily combines with the hemoglobin of the blood?
A. Carbon monoxide
B. Methene
C. Oxygen
D. Nitrogen dioxide