701. Which of the following is responsible for Irish potato famine?
A. Dinoflagellates
B. Kleps
C. Physarum polycephalum
D. Phytophthora infestans

702. Which of the following statement about Kingdom Protista is incorrect_______________?
A. Their members have characteristics which separate them from other kingdoms
B. They only include unicellular aquatic eukaryotic organisms
C. They do not develop from Blastula or embryo
D. They contain ancestors for fungi plants & animals

703. Spores produced by slime molds are__________?
A. Haploid
B. Diploid
C. Triploid
D. None of these

704. Who first separated bacteria from other protists as a group_____________?
A. John Hogg
B. Ernst Haeckel
C. Margulis and Schwartz
D. Herbert Copeland

705. In slime molds spores develop into__________?
A. Swarm cells
B. Biflagellated cells
C. Amoeboid reproductive cells
D. All of these

706. Which of the protozoa has a striking resemblance to collar cells in sponges_____________?
A. Zooflagellates
B. Choanflagellates
C. Trypanosomoa
D. Trichonymphas

707. Of the following which one is not the characteristic of green algae?
A. Some green algae possess cell wall with cellulose
B. They are generally accepted as the ancestors of green plants
C. Chlorella is unicellular non-motile green algae
D. None of these

708. Radiolarians belong to which of the following protozoal group____________?
A. Zooflagellates
B. Actinopods
C. Foraminifera
D. Apicomplexans

709. In chlorophytes the main energy stores are__________?
A. Cellulose
B. Starch
C. Glycogen
D. All of these

710. Which of the following statement about eiliates in incorrect_____________?
A. Contain mainly unicellular organisms.
B. Their contractile vacoule is respobsible for water regulation.
C. They are even capable of sexual reproduction.
D. Diploid nucleus being smaller is responsible for cells metabolism and growth while polyploidy nucleus functions in sexual process.