781. All the animals of the grade radiata are____________?
A. Diploblastic
B. Triploblastic
C. Both
D. Unicellular

782. The fate of each blastomere is foretold. The cleavage will be as____________?
A. Spiral and indeterminate
B. Radial and indeterminate
C. Radial and indeterminate
D. Spiral and determinate

783. The system well developed in the acoelomate is___________?
A. Excretory system
B. Nervous system
C. Transport system
D. All of these

784. In acoelomates gut is ________ in origin.
A. Ectodermal
B. Endodermal
C. Mesodermal
D. None of these

785. Venus flower basket is also known as___________?
A. Sycon
B. Euplectella
C. Leucoselenia
D. Spongilla

786. The internal buds are known as__________?
A. Spicules
B. Choanocytes
C. Gemmules
D. None of these

787. The skeleton of the sponges is in the form of variously shaped needle like structures called___________?
A. Stripules
B. Spicules
C. Brails
D. Spines

788. Gut in pseudocoelomates is made from___________?
A. Ectoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Endoderm
D. All of these

789. Sperms are _________ in origin.
A. Ectodermal
B. Mesodermal
C. Endodermal
D. None of these

790. Inner layers of the sponges are made up of__________?
A. Pinacocytes
B. Choanoderm
C. Choanoytes
D. Pinacoderm