1501. Taxonomy deals with :

A. Classical taxonomy *
B. Chemo taxonomy
C. Phylogeny
D. Experimental taxonomy

1502. Classical taxonomy is also termed :

A. B Taxonomy
B. Systematic
C. Descriptive taxonomy *
D. Experimental taxonomy

1503. By which process is a spore formed from a sporophyte ?

A. Meiosis *
B. Heterospory
C. Fertilization
D. Mitosis

1504. Which of the following features is not characteristics of bryophytes?

A. Damp environment
B. Flagellated sperm
C. Dominant gametophyte stage
D. Vascular tissue *

1505. Where might you find jacket cells on a plant ?

A. Leaf surface
B. Root hairs
C. Reproductive organs *
D. Vascular tissue

1506. In the plant life cycle, what does a zygote become ?

A. Spore
B. Sporophyte *
C. Gametophyte
D. Gamete

1507. What do the guard cells of stomata prevent ?

A. Gas exchange
B. Fluid transport
C. Self-fertilization
D. Water loss *

1508. Which of the following is not a part of the pistil?

A. Style
B. Anther *
C. Stigma
D. Ovary

1509. With what phenomenon is photochromic associated ?

A. Photosynthesis
B. Fertilization
C. Photoperiodic *
D. Tissue Growth

1510. Which feature is characteristic of monocots?

A. Petals in multiple of three *
B. Taproot
C. Netlike leaf veins
D. Two cotyledons