1031. Acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis is caused by _______.

A. Entero Virus *
B. Adeno Virus
C. Coxsakie virus
D. Rota Virus

1032. Human bite can cause infection with _______.

A. Gm +ve bacilli
B. Gm -ve bacilli
C. Spirochaetes
D. Anaerobic streptococci. *

1033. All are urease positive except_______.

A. E. Coli *
B. Proteus
C. Klebsiella
D. Staphylococcus.

1034. True of infleunza A is_________.

A. Double standed segmented RNA
B. Pandemic caused by antigenic drift
C. Nucleocapsid antibody is specific
D. Hexamninidase and Neuraminidase in type specific. *

1035. True of Typhoid_______.

A. Widal test confirms diagnosis in endemic areas.
B. Antibiotic treatment doesnt after widal test.
C. Previous infection affects widal test
D. Widal test not affected by prior vaccination. *

1036. True of vibrio cholerae___________.

A. No natural reservoir
B. Transported in alkaline peptone water *
C. Halophilic
D. Oxidase negative

1037. True of diphtheria____

A. Phase mediated toxin *
B. Toxin required for local invasion
C. Endo toxinemia produces systemic toxicity
D. All of the above

1040. True of HCV is________.

A. Anti body undetectable in acute stage
B. Spread is by oro-faecal route
C. Causes chronic hepatitis *
D. Can be grown in tissue culture.