1211. Darwin himself bred ___________.

A. Pea plants
B. Pigeons *
C. Wild mustard
D. Tomatoes

1212. Evolution through mutation was suggested by _________.

A. Malthus
B. Lyell
C. Darwin
D. De Veries *

1213. One of the following is crucial to the ecosystem because they recycle nutrient from the organism back to the environment __________.

A. Omnivores
B. Carnivores
C. Top Carnivores
D. Decomposers *

1214. In the eye, colour vision is affected by the presence of ____________.

A. Choroid coat
B. Sclerotic coat
C. Rods *
D. Cones

1215. What do calories measure ?

A. Wight
B. Heat
C. Movement
D. Temperature *

1216. All the metabolic reactions in the organisms are catalysed by _________.

A. Vitamins
B. Harmones
C. Enzymes *
D. Minerals

1217. The membranous labyrinth of the ear is filled with ___________.

A. Lymph
B. Endolymph
C. Serum *
D. None of the above

1218. Which of the following enzymes is present in the saliva ?

A. Bile
B. Ptyalin *
C. Pepsin
D. Rennin

1219. The terminal part of vertebral column in man is called _____________.

A. Telson
B. Urostyle
C. Coceyx *
D. Pygostyle

1220. The heart beat is initiated and regulated by nodal tissue made of specialised cardiac muscles called __________.

A. Alveolar tissue
B. Purkinje tissue *
C. Spongy tissue
D. None of the above