1881. All proteins contain the chemical element (atom), but carbohydrates and fats rarely do.

A. Carbon
B. Nitorgen *
C. Hydrogen
D. Oxygen

1882. An essential amino acid :

A. Forms a complete protein
B. Is only required by growing children and infants
C. May prevent dermatitis
D. The body cannot synthesize sufficient amounts to meet the body’s needs *

1883. Peptide bonds are formed :

A. By excluding water molecules *
B. By excluding hydrogen atoms
C. By making esters
D. When developing tertiary structure

1884. A protein’s: is determined by the order in which its amino acids are arranged.

A. Energy content
B. Function in the body *
C. Biological value
D. Ability to form glucose

1885. The denaturing of protein :

A. Destroys its amino acid order
B. Happens in the stomach *
C. Increases its enzymatic activity
D. Forms an emulsifier

1886. Insulin, and other medications that are protein in nature , cannot be administered orally because :

A. They won’t be assimilated through the gastrointestinal wall
B. They will be digested and lose their biological activity *
C. They will activate the immune system
D. They will diminish kidney function

1887. Proteins help regulate body PH by:

A. Taking in and letting go of free hydrogen ions *
B. Taking in alkaline substances from the blood
C. Taking in amino acids that make acids and releasing them into the blood
D. None of these

1888. A buffer helps :

A. Emulsify fats
B. Keep the pH of a solution constant *
C. Speed chemical reactions
D. Protect against plaque build up in the arteries

1889. Nutritional edema occurs when :

A. The serum protein concentration is increased
B. The serum protein concentration is decreased *
C. The red cell number decreases
D. There is change in blood hemoglobin

1890. Which of the following is definitely not a protein?

A. Antibody
B. Enzyme
C. Tendon
D. Glycogen *