1941. Membrane surrounding a bone is called ?

A. Periosteum *
B. Endo steum
C. Pericardium
D. Perichondrium

1942. Major inorganic components of vertebrate bone is :

A. Calcium carbonate
B. Calcium bicarbonate
C. Calcium phosphate *
D. Potassium hydroxide

1943. Haversian canals found in bones contain :

A. Artery and vein
B. Osteoblasts in areolar tissue
C. Nerve and Lymph vessel
D. All of these *

1944. In vertebrates, reflex action is an essential display induced by:

A. Sensory nerve
B. Motor nerve *
C. Autonomic response
D. Sympatric nerve

1945. Which of these in not a reflex reaction ?

A. Salivation
B. Secretion of sweat *
C. Flexion due to needle prick
D. Eye blinking caused by bright light

1946. Which one illustrates a reflex arc ?

A. Brain > Spinal cord > Muscles
B. Muscle > receptor > Brain
C. Muscle > spinal cord > Brain
D. Muscle * > Receptor > Spinal Cord

1947. Reflex action is controlled by :

A. Autonomic nervous system
B. Peripheral nervous system
C. Centrl nervous system *
D. None of these

1948. Demonstration of conditioned reflex was first made by :

A. Pavlov *
B. William Harve
C. Robert Brown
D. Karl Von Frisch

1949. In vertebrates , simple reflex action is :

A. Monosynaptic *
B. Polysynaptic
C. Bisynaptic
D. Trisynaptic

1950. Which of the following is controlled by autonomous nervous system ?

A. Papillary reflex
B. Swallowing food
C. Knee-Jerk response
D. Peristalsis of intestine *