2071. Scarification of seeds is done for removing :

A. Dormancy *
B. Gemination
C. Growth
D. Embryo

2072. Rubber is obtained from :

A. Latex *
B. Cell Sap
C. Gun
D. Resin

2073. The following is the ammonotelic animal :

A. Whales
B. Seals
C. Lizard
D. Salamander *

2074. Flame cells are excretory organs of :

A. Prawn
B. Tape worm *
C. Insects
D. Birds

2075. Ammonia is the chief nitrogen waste in :

A. Cartilaginous fishes
B. Bony Fishes *
C. Semi aquatic Reptiles
D. None of these

2076. The liver converts the ammonia produced during protein catabolism into uric acid:

A. Uretic animals
B. Ammonotelic animals
C. Uricotelic animals *
D. Omithinotelic animals

2077. Which one is the excretory organ among the following ?

A. Archeocyte
B. Choanocyte
C. Solenocyte *
D. Pinacocyte

2078. In urecotelic animals , urea are removed by :

A. Kreb’s cycle
B. Cori cycle
C. Omithine cycle *
D. Cori cycle

2079. Skeletal muscle fibre is :

A. Multinucleated *
B. Uninucleated
C. Binucleated
D. Anucleated

2080. Muscle of heart is known as :

A. Striated
B. Cardiac *
C. Voluntary
D. Non striated